REI technical security training courses are designed to teach the basic and advanced procedural concepts of conducting a counter surveillance investigation. REI has 6 full-time, highly qualified instructors with numerous years of cumulative experience in the surveillance field.
Training topics include:
Basic facility concerns
Acoustic/microphone threats
RF & microwave threats
Laser threats
Infrared threats
Carrier current threats
Physical search procedures
Electronic search procedures
Use of detection equipment
All courses include hands-on exercises, using state-of-the-art equipment in dedicated project rooms that simulate threat scenarios. Threats include RF transmitters with analog and digital modulation techniques, hidden cameras, tapped telephone and LAN lines, infrared, and carrier current. The training facility also includes a high-end signal generator to simulate various types of modulation techniques. Students use project rooms to exercise their knowledge of the use of detection equipment.
Course Descriptions
Courses currently offered provide training on REI equipment as well as general sweep procedures. If you've never been to the REI Technical Security Training Center and are new to Technical Security Countermeasures, we recommend you start with the Countermeasures Core Concepts Course. The Core Concepts Level 1 Course is five days of training on what TSCM is, why it's important, and demonstrates methods for combating technical threats. See individual course description for more details.